What Does Eco-Conscious Mean?


“Choosing products and services that minimize our environmental footprint”


As a society, Canadians are increasingly aware of the impact our daily lives have on both our local and global environments. We’re trying to live “greener” and we’re choosing products that are more environmentally responsible and sustainable. These same ideals that we live by can be reflected in the footprint we leave behind.

Our goal is to foster a dialogue and to create awareness of the natural burial options that are available to families in Ontario. We also strive to provide products and services that help minimize our environmental impact.

One example is our preference to avoid chemical embalming if possible*. The process of embalming uses chemicals to temporarily preserve the deceased for viewings; however, those same chemicals end up in the soil after burial. Instead, there are other environmentally friendly options available to families that will still allow for a dignified service of remembrance.

If you would like more information on natural burial options in Ontario or how we can help in this regard, please don’t hesitate to contact us for a discussion of what would be most appropriate for your need.

*Under certain circumstances such as international repatriation, embalming may be a mandatory requirement for travel.